STEIN Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Johann-Liesenberger Str. 7
Niedereschach, 78078 Germany
Tel: +049 (772) 864-4850
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STEIN Automation is a leading supplier of palletized conveyor systems, conveyor controls and intralogistics transfer systems. The STEIN 300 and 400 palletized conveyor systems offer scalable pallets with load capacities up to 80 kg. The STEIN 300e is the industry's only fully electric palletized system ideally utilized in clean room and particulate sensitive transfer applications. The STEIN C5G control system offers full logistic control of the conveyor system while interfacing with other processing stations in the system assuring full turnkey control of the palletized system. The STEIN LINK system is designed for intralogistics material handling utilizing battery powered shuttles on non-powered guide tracks offering speeds up to 50 m/min with capacity loads up to 80 kg.